
I Got the Blues

It is just like me to go on a rant about something and then use said rant target within the next few minutes. In this case: YouTube. I was watching a video that someone had sent me, and I started poking around on the site, and eventually came across this starlet: Ysabella Brave (make sure your sound is on!).

I am a big fan of Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday and blues in general, and oh how refreshing it is to hear it in today's world! I am not going to lie, I haven't listened to mainstream radio in about 7 or 8 years. I just can't. There are so few good songs being played, and I dislike commercials so much that it doesn't make sense to me. But this, even though she only sings through karaoke, is exciting to hear.

I am not too well-versed in singers that are around nowadays, so if there are more people that sing from their soul so that you can actually hear their heart, please give me suggestions. One of the few pop culture figures that I feel does this well is Alicia Keys. I can feel her from the opening notes of "Fallin' ", and that makes me happy.

As I am sitting and listening to these renditions of some classic songs, it really makes me want go back in time, and see what LIFE was. Because that was "life." I don't think that what most of us choose to live today is really "life" (granted that is a result of a capitalist and consumeristic society, but that is a can of worms I won't get into tonight). I imagine sitting in a city, being able to write songs with a fraction of the distractions of today and four times the focus, interacting with people on a real level, going out to a jazz club at night and getting to sing your heart out. But who knows, I may be basing this all off of movies and TV; I find it difficult to tell the difference between that stuff and my imagination sometimes.

Looks like tonight I am going to be a-sittin' and a-tappin' to some good ole rhythm 'n' blues. And frankly, there ain't a damn thing wrong with that.

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